Restrict Certain File Mime Types in WordPress
Category: Common Questions
I recently heard from a client saying their blog was loading very slowly. The issue was caused from a high resolution image in .tiff format which is generally used for print. In order to block these file types add the following plugin to your mu-plugins folder. Source <?php /* prevent uploading of .tif files.… Read more »
Aw Snap! Error Google Chrome 78 Fix
Category: Articles
The most recent Google Chrome update 78 is causing some users to experience an Aw Snap! error. You may notice that it opens but you are unable to access the settings. Some have mentioned it might be caused by Symantec Endpoint. This error will probably be corrected in a future update but in the mean… Read more »
HubSpot vs MailChimp vs Moosend – Review & Comparison
Category: Articles
The main difference between HubSpot, MailChimp, and Moosend is what other functionality you want to have added to it. Also, you need to consider how robust the marketing automation builder needs to be for your business. If you are sending a lot of email with a small to medium sized team, HubSpot is a great… Read more »
How to Replace First Name with Default Text If It Doesn’t Exist in HubSpot Emails
Category: Common Questions
I recently was trying to send an email to a list containing different contacts but some did not have the First Name field filled in and was blank. So I did some google searches for a solution and came across these two posts: HubSpot forum topic and HubSpot forum topic 2. I tried the code shared… Read more »
How to Edit the HubSpot Follow Me Module
Category: Tutorials
The video below demonstrates the steps to update a HubSpot follow me module. Basically, it pulls from your Account Settings > Marketing > Social > Follow Me tab
New HubSpot Modules – Name Anchor and Top Announcement Bar
Category: Newsletter
I created two new HubSpot modules I wanted to let you know about. Name Anchor – Free This module can be added above forms or section titles to easily create name anchors. The module also includes code to make it scroll smoothly to the destination on the page. Demo | Get on HubSpot Top Announcement Bar –… Read more »
How to Add a Featured Tag with Text Over an Image
Category: Tutorials
In this tutorial I will show you how to place a featured tag over an image using CSS3 ::before pseudo elements. A common use case for this is eCommerce where you might want to visually show a product is featured, on sale, or out of stock. Since your products are displayed dynamically using a database,… Read more »
Check Page Level Depth If Condition in WordPress
Category: Code Snippets
The code snippet below is handy when you are trying to check if the current page is a parent or a child in a WordPress theme. You can then use the conditional to output different code depending on the page depth it is <?php // gets page depth global $wp_query; $object = $wp_query->get_queried_object(); $parent_id =… Read more »
What is Jobs Theory and How Does it Apply to HubSpot?
Category: Common Questions
Jobs theory also called Jobs to Be Done Theory was created by Strategyn to help businesses try and understand reasons why someone would buy their product service. “People do not want a quarter-inch drill, they want a quarter inch hole.” “Sell the sizzle and not the steak.” What is Jobs Theory? Jobs to be done… Read more »
My 7 Tips for Learning the Artistic Side of Web Design
Category: Newsletter
This is a great question and something I have been thinking a lot about. Especially in how to teach this skill online vs a classroom setting. If I had to pick four important factors to becoming a good designer they would be. Pencil sketch before moving to the computer Sketch a lot of thumbnails with… Read more »