Responsive design was introduced to help designers build one site on one domain that responds to a users viewport. The two necessary elements for a responsive design are a meta viewport tag to disable scaling and media queries to alter the design of the page gets smaller. Responsive design is a lot less expensive and easier to maintain than the other mobile strategies. This has added to its rapid growth and adoption.

A big challenge with responsive design is finding a balance between the content needs for both mobile and desktop. A desktop site has a lot of visual real estate that is often filled with carousels, videos, large parallax background images, and large blocks of text.If you load a feature-rich website on a mobile device you often increase the page load for mobile visitors. This is due to the large images and videos which are scaled down to mobile.

what is responsive design

End-users don’t care about your responsive web or your separate sites, they just want to be able to get stuff done.

― Brad Frost, author of Atomic Design

Written by: Jake Lett
I share digital marketing tips and HubSpot tutorials to help marketers and business owners grow their business.

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