HubSpot CMS is now Content Hub, Avoid HubSpot Workflow Errors, GA4 Key Events | 3 Things Newsletter – April, 2024

HubSpot CMS is now Content Hub, Avoid HubSpot Workflow Errors, GA4 Key Events | 3 Things Newsletter – April, 2024

1. HubSpot CMS is Now… Content Hub

HubSpot announced that HubSpot CMS is now expanding and being renamed Content Hub. In addition to their own CMS tools, they are adding more AI tools to make it easy to generate content. A key part I see is the distribution of this generated content. You can post it on social channels, WordPress, and podcast platforms. I have a lot of questions myself, but I recommend you register for this Content Hub informational webinar at the end of the month.


2. How to Prevent Errors from Important HubSpot Workflows

HubSpot recently launched two new updates that I think you will find helpful in avoiding errors and potentially annoying people who are using an outdated workflow.

Now, you can get email notifications when someone edits or deletes a list you created. This can be very important if you use an active list in a workflow. Any changes to this list could cause issues with your workflow, so visibility to the connected pieces is very important.

In addition, HubSpot now provides a way to turn off a workflow at a particular date. This can come in handy if you are doing some nurturing after an event or tradeshow that is irrelevant after the event. Turning it off prevents any potential problems and cleans up your list of workflows.

Do you have a naming convention for lists so it is clear they are used in a workflow? If so, email me I am curious to know if that is another way of politely saying “don’t touch”.

3. You Say ‘Conversions’. GA4 Now Says ‘Key Events’.

Google recently announced a change to how they name things inside Google Analytics. In the past you would have events that you could mark as a conversion. You could then send those conversions to Google Ads so you could share the conversion tracking.

But now in GA4, you can have events and mark some of these events as key events. Any of these key events could then be marked as a conversion to send over to Google Ads like in the past. I suspect they added this layer to make GA4 reporting more useful to those who may not currently use Google Ads.


Something to Consider

The role of content has evolved beyond just a lead generation tool. Marketers need to create more content than ever before, distribute it across more channels at more points in the customer journey, and make it highly personal to the buyer.”
– Quote from Content Hub landing page

What do you think about the quote above? Does the increased use of AI content creation put the focus more on distribution than it does on high-quality long-form content?

Suppose your buyers are using a channel more frequently to get information. Should you adapt to the channel’s content distribution models, like short-form in-feed content that degrades visibility over time? Or should you stay focused on creating content that has a higher dependence on SEO like product pages and video content? Or both?

Written by: Jake Lett
Jake Lett is a B2B marketing consultant with over 15 years of experience in the digital marketing industry. He specializes in SEO, HubSpot, and PPC campaign management. Jake has a proven track record of helping businesses increase their online visibility and drive more traffic, leads and sales. He is a Certified Google Ads Specialist and a Certified HubSpot Developer.

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