Below is a list of my commonly used HubSpot CMS HubL filters, functions, and Macros. Email me if you have one you would like to add to this list.
Create a slug from a text string
I used this when I wanted to add a CSS class name to the li of a menu using the text label. This allowed me to target that unique li to style it different from the others.
{% set mystring = "THIS iS jusT a teXt stRing" %} {{ mystring|lower|replace(' ','-') }} // this-is-just-a-text-string
Bulk replace a dev domain with a production domain on site launch
I recently worked on a HubSpot site migration and had a lot of links pointing to the development domain. A quick way to update these links is to use this HubL filter |replace(“”,””)
{{ href|replace("", "") }}