HubSpot CMS HubL Macros [code snippets]

HubSpot CMS HubL Macros [code snippets]

A collection of HubSpot CMS Macros

{% set macros = true %}

##       HubSpot Helper Macros          ##


**Prefix Constructor**

Utility macro that builds builds vendor prefixed versions of a statement.


Inside of you macro, call the prefix macro and pass it the following values in this order, as strings.
    CSS property to be prefixed
    Value: Any valid CSS value
    Prefixes: ms, webkit, moz, o (comma separated)
    Height: Optional, if not specified, width value will be used and triangle will have equal sides.


{% macro exampleMacro %}
    {{ prefix('border-radius', '2px', "webkit") }}
{% endmacro %}


{% macro prefix(property, value, prefixes) %}
    {% set prefixList = prefixes|split(",", 10) %}
    {% for prefix in prefixList %}
        -{{ prefix }}-{{ property }}: {{ value }};
    {% endfor %}
        {{ property }}: {{ value }};
{% endmacro %}


**Rem Conversion Macro**

Safely and simply use rem values for all sizing and spacing.


Inside CSS block for an element, call macro with these parameters in this order:
    Property: Any valid CSS property, as a string
    Value: A pixel value or values without unit suffix (15 not 15px)


Values assume CSS convention. You can use from 1 to 4 values seperated by spaces.
If you use more than 4, nothing will be returned.
If you use more values than a property can accept, your CSS rule will be invalid.


    {{ remConversion('font-size', '20') }}
    {{ remConversion('letter-spacing', '.2') }}
    {{ remConversion('padding', '10 25 5 50') }}


{% macro rem(property, value) %}

    {%if !baselineFontSize %}{% set baselineFontSize = 16 %}{% endif %}

    {% if (property|length > 0) and (value|length == 0) %}

        {% set values = property|split(' ') %}
        {% for v in values %}
            {% if v|float == 0 %}
                {% set remValue = v %}
            {% else %}
                {% set remValue = v/baselineFontSize %}
            {% endif %}
            {% set remArray = remArray ~ remValue ~"," %}
            {% if loop.last %}
                {% set remArray = remArray|split(',', 9) %}
                {% for x in remArray %} {{ x }}{% if x|float != 0 %}rem{% endif %}{% endfor %}
            {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}

    {% else %}

        {% set values = value|split(' ') %}
        {% for v in values %}
            {% if v|float == 0 %}
                {% set remValue = v %}
            {% else %}
                {% set remValue = v/baselineFontSize %}
            {% endif %}
            {% set pxArray = pxArray ~ v ~"," %}
            {% set remArray = remArray ~ remValue ~"," %}
            {% if loop.last %}
                {% set pxArray =  pxArray|split(',', 9) %}
                {% set remArray = remArray|split(',', 9) %}
                {{ property }}:{% for x in pxArray %} {{ x }}{% if x|float != 0 %}px{% endif %}{% endfor %};
                {{ property }}:{% for x in remArray %} {{ x }}{% if x|float != 0 %}rem{% endif %}{% endfor %};
            {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}

    {% endif %}

{% endmacro %}


**Em Conversion Macro**

Simple converter for switching pixel values to ems


On the assignment side of any appropriate CSS property,
call the macro and pass it these parameters in this order:
    Value: A pixel value or values without unit suffix (15 not 15px)
    Context: Optional. Defaults to 16. Override if using on nested elements. See notes.


We recommend using Rems as the default measurement unit. See Rem Conversion macro for more details.
If you use this macro on many nested elements, we strongly recommend a comment and/or indenting convention
to keep track of context.
Values assume CSS convention. You can use from 1 to 4 values seperated by spaces.
If you use more than 4, nothing will be returned.
If you use more values than a property can accept, your CSS rule will be invalid.


    font-size: {{ emConversion('25') }};

    padding: {{ emConversion('25 10', '18') }};


{% macro em(value, context) %}

    {%if !context %}{% set context = 16 %}{% endif %}

    {% set values = value|split(' ') %}
    {% for v in values %}
        {% set emValue = v/context %}
        {% set emArray = emArray ~ emValue ~"," %}
        {% if loop.last %}
            {% set emArray = emArray|split(',', 9) %}
            {% for x in emArray %} {{ x }}em{% endfor %};
        {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}

{% endmacro %}


**Box Shadow**

Add drop shadows to your HTML elements.


Inside CSS block for element that should have a drop shadow, call macro with standard box-shadow parameters.
    h-shadow v-shadow blur spread color


{{ boxShadow('2px') }}


{% macro boxShadow(shadow) %}
{{ prefix('box-shadow', shadow, "webkit") }}
{% endmacro %}


** Vertical and Horizontal Centering Macro **

Uses the Ghost Vertical Alignment technique to center elements in their container


Call macro anywhere in CSS with these parameters in this order:
    Container: CSS selector for parent of element you'd like to center
    Element: CSS selector for element you'd like to center


See: for original technique


{% macro verticalAndHorizontalCenter(container, element) %}

    {{ container }}{
        text-align: center;
    {{ container }}:before{
        content: '';
        display: inline-block;
        height: 100%;
        vertical-align: middle;
        /* offset horizontal spacing */
        margin-right: -0.25em;
    {{ element }}{
        display: inline-block;
        vertical-align: middle;

{% endmacro %}


**Position Macro**

Use shorthand for positioning.


Inside CSS block for element you'd like to position, call macro with these parameters in this order, all strings.
    Position: Valid CSS position (absolute, relative, fixed, static)
    Top, Right, Bottom, Left (standard order for shorthand CSS properties)


Use 'null' for any value you would like to exclude. The position property is required.


 {{ position('absolute', null, '0', '0', null) }};


{% macro position(position, top, right, bottom, left) %}

    position: {{ position }};

    {% if top %}
        top: {{ top }};
    {% endif %}
    {% if right %}
        right: {{ right }};
    {% endif %}
    {% if bottom %}
        bottom: {{ bottom }};
    {% endif %}
    {% if left %}
        left: {{ left }};
    {% endif %}

{% endmacro %}


**Clearfix Macro**

Short, easy, clearfix.


Call macro anywhere in CSS with selector(s) you'd like to clear.


Using this macro once and adding all selectors to it will reduce the size of your stylesheets
and is therefore recommended if possible

This macro uses the :after pseudo class. Using it for other purposes on elements using this macro will
likely break the clear.


{{ clearfix('.my-div') }};


{{ clearfix('.my-div, .other-div, .more-divs') }};


{% macro clearfix(selector) %}

  {{ selector }}:after {
    content: "";
    display: table;
    clear: both;

{% endmacro %}


**Arrow Macro**

Draw an arrow with CSS. Direction, color and size are all variable.


Inside CSS block for element that should be an arrow, call macro with these parameters in this order, all strings.
    Direction: top, right, bottom, left
    Color: Any valid CSS value
    Width: Any valid CSS measurement.
    Height: Optional, if not specified, width value will be used and triangle will have equal sides.


This technique is commonly used on :before or :after pseudo elements. If using this way, be sure to add the content property
in your CSS rule. It is not included in this macro.


{{ arrow('top','#333','2em', '5em') }}


{% macro arrow(direction, color, width, height) %}

    display: block;
    height: 0;
    width: 0;

    {%if !height %}{%set height = width%}{%endif%}

    {% if direction == 'top' %}
        border-left: {{ width }} solid transparent;
        border-right: {{ width }} solid transparent;
        border-bottom: {{ height }} solid {{color}};
    {% elif direction == 'right' %}
        border-top: {{ width }} solid transparent;
        border-bottom: {{ width }} solid transparent;
        border-left: {{ height }} solid {{color}};
    {% elif direction == 'bottom' %}
        border-top: {{ height }} solid {{color}};
        border-right: {{ width }} solid transparent;
        border-left: {{ width }} solid transparent;
    {% elif direction == 'left' %}
        border-top: {{ width }} solid transparent;
        border-right: {{ height }} solid {{color}};
        border-bottom: {{ width }} solid transparent;
    {% endif %}

{% endmacro %}


**Linear Gradient Macro**

Use standards gradient notation and get webkit fallback as well


Inside CSS block for an element, call macro with these parameters in this order:
    Direction: Gradient direction. Use standard syntax ('to top', '190deg', etc). Macro will convert for webkit prefixed rule
    Stops: Any standard stops. They will be passed along directly, refer to documentation for correct syntax


#gradient {
  {{ linearGradient('to top', 'blue, green') }}

#gradient {
  {{ linearGradient('190deg', 'rgba(200, 200, 190, 1) 20%, rgba(200, 200, 190, 0) 80% ') }}


{% macro linearGradient(direction, stops) %}

    {% set directions = {'to top' : 'bottom', 'to top right': 'bottom left', 'to right top' : 'left bottom', 'to right' : 'left', 'to bottom right' : 'top left', 'to right bottom' : 'left top', 'to bottom' : 'top', 'to bottom left' : 'top right', 'to left bottom' : 'right top', 'to left' : 'right', 'to left top' : 'right bottom', 'to top left' : 'bottom right'} %}

    {% if direction is defined %}
        {% set deg = direction|cut('deg') %}
        {% if deg|int or deg == '0' %}
            {% set ld = 90 - deg ~ 'deg, ' %}
        {% else %}
            {% set ld = directions[direction] ~ ', ' %}
        {% endif %}
        {% set d = direction ~ ', ' %}

    {% endif %}

    background: -webkit-linear-gradient({{ld}}{{stops}});
    background: linear-gradient({{d}}{{stops}});

{% endmacro %}



Add columns to your text.


Inside CSS block for element that should be split into columns, call macro with standard values as a string.


Macros for specific properties are also included.


{{ columns('100px 3') }}

{{ columnWidth('100px') }}


{% macro columns(value) %}
{{ prefix('columns', value, "webkit, moz") }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro columnWidth(value) %}
{{ prefix('column-width', value, "webkit, moz") }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro columnGap(value) %}
{{ prefix('column-gap', value, "webkit, moz") }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro columnRule(value) %}
{{ prefix('column-rule', value, "webkit, moz") }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro columnRuleColor(value) %}
{{ prefix('column-rule-color', value, "webkit, moz") }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro columnRuleWidth(value) %}
{{ prefix('column-rule-width', value, "webkit, moz") }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro columnCount(value) %}
{{ prefix('column-count', value, "webkit, moz") }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro columnRuleStyle(value) %}
{{ prefix('column-rule-style', value, "webkit, moz") }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro columnSpan(value) %}
{{ prefix('column-span', value, "webkit, moz") }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro columnFill(value) %}
{{ prefix('column-fill', value, "webkit, moz") }}
{% endmacro %}



Add transforms to your HTML elements.


Inside CSS block for element that should be trasnformed, call macro with standard values as a string.


Macros for specific transform properties are also included.


{{ transform('rotate(7deg)') }}

{{ transformStyle('preserve-3d') }}


{% macro transform(value) %}
{{ prefix('transform', value, "webkit, moz, o, ms") }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro transformOrigin(axes) %}
{{ prefix('transform-origin', axes, "webkit, moz, o, ms") }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro transformStyle(value) %}
{{ prefix('transform-style', value, "webkit, moz, o, ms") }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro perspective(value) %}
{{ prefix('perspective', value, "webkit, moz") }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro perspectiveOrigin(value) %}
{{ prefix('perspective', value, "webkit, moz") }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro backfaceVisibility(value) %}
{{ prefix('backface-visibility', value, "webkit") }}
{% endmacro %}



Add transitions to your HTML elements.


Inside CSS block for element that should be transitioned, call macro with standard values as a string.
    property duration timing-function delay|initial|inherit


Macros for specific transition properties are also included.


{{ transition('width .35s ease-in-out') }}

{{ transitionDuration('.35s') }}


{% macro transition(properties) %}

            {% set prefixes = ["webkit", "moz"] %}
            {% for prefix in prefixes %}
                {{ "-" ~ prefix ~ "-transition: " ~ properties|replace('transform', '-' ~ prefix ~ '-transform') }};
            {% endfor %}
            {{ "transition: " ~ properties }};

{% endmacro %}

{% macro transitionProperty(value) %}
    {% set prefixes = ["webkit", "moz"] %}
    {% for prefix in prefixes %}
        {{ "-" ~ prefix ~ "-transition-property: -" ~ prefix ~ "-" ~ value }};
    {% endfor %}
    {{ "transition-property: " ~ value }};
{% endmacro %}

{% macro transitionDuration(value) %}
{{ prefix('transition-duration', value, "webkit, moz") }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro transitionDelay(value) %}
{{ prefix('transition-delay', value, "webkit, moz") }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro transitionTimingFunction(value) %}
{{ prefix('transition-timing-function', value, "webkit, moz") }}
{% endmacro %}



Animate your HTML elements.


Inside CSS block for element that should be animated, call macro with standard values as a string.
    name duration timing-function delay iteration-count direction fill-mode play-state


Macros for specific animation properties are also included.


{{ animation('mymove 5s infinite') }}

{{ animationDuration('2s') }}


{% macro animation(animations) %}
{{ prefix('animation', animations, "webkit") }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro animationName(names) %}
{{ prefix('animation-name', names, "webkit") }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro animationDuration(times) %}
{{ prefix('animation-duration', times, "webkit") }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro animationTimingFunction(motions) %}
{{ prefix('animation-timing-function', motions, "webkit") }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro animationIterationCount(values) %}
{{ prefix('animation-iteration-count', values, "webkit") }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro animationDirection(directions) %}
{{ prefix('animation-direction', directions, "webkit") }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro animationPlayStates(states) %}
{{ prefix('animation-play-states', states, "webkit") }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro animationDelay(times) %}
{{ prefix('animation-delay', times, "webkit") }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro animation-fill-mode(modes) %}
{{ prefix('animation-fill-mode', modes, "webkit") }}
{% endmacro %}


**Border Radius**

Add rounded corners to your HTML elements.


Inside CSS block for element that should be an arrow, call macro with value and unit.


Macros for specific corners are also included.


{{ borderRadius('2px') }}


{% macro borderRadius(radius) %}
{{ prefix('border-radius', radius, "webkit") }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro borderTopLeftRadius(radius) %}
{{ prefix('border-bottom-left-radius', radius, "webkit") }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro borderTopRightRadius(radius) %}
{{ prefix('border-top-right-radius', radius, "webkit") }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro borderBottomRightRadius(radius) %}
{{ prefix('border-bottom-right-radius', radius, "webkit") }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro borderBottomLeftRadius(radius) %}
{{ prefix('border-bottom-left-radius', radius, "webkit") }}
{% endmacro %}


**Miscellaneous Prefixes**

Below are some common and simple CSS properies.


Inside CSS block for element that the propert should affect, call macro with standard values as a string.


{# User Select #}

{% macro userSelect(value) %}
{{ prefix('user-select', value, "webkit, moz, ms") }}
{% endmacro %}

{# Calc #}

{% macro calc(property, value) %}
    {{ property }}: -webkit-calc({{ value }});
    {{ property }}: calc({{ value }});
{% endmacro %}

{# Hyphenation #}

{% macro hyphens(value) %}
{{ prefix('hyphens', value, "webkit, moz, ms") }}
{% endmacro %}

{# Image Rendering #}

{% macro imageRendering(mode) %}
    {% if mode == "crisp-edges" %}
        -ms-interpolation-mode: nearest-neighbor; // IE8+
        image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges;
        image-rendering: -o-crisp-edges;
        image-rendering: -webkit-optimize-contrast;
        image-rendering: crisp-edges;
    {% else %}
        image-rendering: {{ mode }};
    {% endif %}
{% endmacro %}

{# Appearance #}

{% macro appearance(value) %}
{{ prefix('appearance', value, "webkit, moz, o") }}
{% endmacro %}

{# Box Sizing #}

{% macro boxSizing(value) %}
{{ prefix('box-sizing', value, "webkit, moz") }}
{% endmacro %}

{# Filter #}

{% macro filter(value) %}
{{ prefix('filter', value, "webkit") }}
{% endmacro %}

{# Placeholder #}

{% macro placeholder() %}
    {% set prefixes = ['::-webkit-input','::-moz',':-moz',':-ms-input'] %}
    {% for each in prefixes %}
        {{ each }}-placeholder {
            {{ caller() }}
    {% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}

{# Selection, include selector if references a css selector #]

{% macro selection(selector) %}
        {{ selector }}::-moz-selection {
           {{ caller() }}
        {{ selector }}::selection {
           {{ caller() }}
{% endmacro %}


Written by: Jake Lett
Jake Lett is a B2B marketing consultant with over 15 years of experience in the digital marketing industry. He specializes in SEO, HubSpot, and PPC campaign management. Jake has a proven track record of helping businesses increase their online visibility and drive more traffic, leads and sales. He is a Certified Google Ads Specialist and a Certified HubSpot Developer.

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